Wednesday, February 16, 2005

September 1988


The SAS killed 3 more IRA guerillas in NI. Oddly enough, despite the shoot-to-kill policy, this yr IRA killed 27 members of Br military, losing 11. And too many civilians.

USSR invites Solzhenitsin to be on cmte for memorial to Stalin victims. Based on pub op survey

US says USSR must destroy Krasnoyarsk radar station or no more arms control & will dec violation of ABM

Iraq is now beginning all-out attack on the Kurds & using chemical weapons

Quayle claims he joined the Nat Guard to cont. his law studies, but in fact, Indiana U. had rejected him & he was only able to “talk his way in” a yr later.
-In 1980 election to Senate, veterans’ organizs forced Quayle to stop calling himself a “Vietnam-era veteran.”


Chile ends exile of some opponents, inc the Allende family

Quayle’s head of campaign & RR adviser Stuart Spencer was consultant forPanama gov for image

Poland may recognize Solidarity again. Walesa trying to get strikers to return to work, though some may not and should not, as the issue is reprisals against strikers.


SA gov pulled temp. 5 bills to strengthen segregation that could lead to eviction of 10m squatters in face of mixed-race boycott. Gov had tried to bypass the Parl, but will re-intro the bills before a joint assembly.

The Lenin Library in Moscow is opening all but 500 of its 10,000 restricted volumes. And USSR says it will stop faking its maps now.

Brazil’s new const abolishes censorship, legalizes strikes, gives Inds rights over their lands, voting age of 16, abolition of decree law, maternity leave 120 dys, paternity 5

Bush says governors & locals should not have power over nuclear plants

In 9 of the 11 largest settlements, OSHA has reduced fines 25-89%.

Meese used gov planes to chauffeur Robt Wallach at no charge


Orrin Hatch calls R’d “the party of homosexuals.” Says now he shouldn’t have said that. “Nor do I...want to denigrate them by saying all gays are Democrats.” He must decide which the dirtiest word is.


Israel says it has some sort of new policy--it is closing down an entire town, mass arrests, claim leaders live there.

Archbishop Tutu calls for boycott of council elections Oct. 26, which is illegal w/10 yrs possible.

Has Walesa sold out? “Poland does not need strikes.” “I have put out the strikes and I will put out the next ones. I have not betrayed the people.”

Quayle on the pledge’s “under God”: “This phrase goes not only to the divine center of our own nationhood, but also to the sense of religious freedom and toleration which imbues our beliefs. It does not mean one nation under our God, but one nation under your God.”


George Bush thinks today is Pearl Harbor Day

Afghan situation should --> increase in opium


In past 7 yrs, 30 deaths in incidents involving SAS. 25 IRA members, 2 soldiers, 3 civilians. Soldiers fired on in 5 of the 12 cases. 5 prisoners taken & 2 convicted.

Australia to end 20 yrs of non-racial immigration policy. Gov was given the right “to change the mix as required in the interests of social cohesion”--meaning Asian exclusion

Turkey transferred >2,000 Iraqi Kurdish refugees to Iran against their will. Has been denying access by internat aid agencies. Turkey doesn’t even acknowledge that its own Kurds exist.

Bush now supports increase in min wage (but not much).

Bush says UN irrelevant to the Middle East because of resolutions like Zionism is racism.

Deng Xiaoping backs Bush.

RR admin officials will coordinate all policy w/the Bush campaign. Urged Congresscritters to do same.

Mich. judge prohibits ♀ in divorce case having abortion.


W Ger SPD will have at least 40% women in party jobs by 1994, of parl seats by 1998. Men also ≥40%. Similar rules for Norwegian Labor Party, Danish Soc Dems

NBC will not cover the Bush-Dukakis debates as interfere w/Olympics

House votes for death penalty in drug crimes, 299-111, deny even casual users fed benefits inc student loans, public housing, security broker’s licence 335-67. 259-134 for admission of “good faith” illegally obtained evidence

White House drafting an order not to use aborted fetuses or newborns for research or transplantation. Fetal tissue might be useful for Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s, diabetes.

Cleveland Plain-Dealer says J. Danforth Quayle got into Indiana U Law by affirmative action

Pravda suggest that Stalin ordered Trotsky’s death.


US congress votes sanctions--real ones--on Iraq for use of chemical warfare

More on 1st I-C October Surprise. Jimmy Carter June 15: “There were reports made to me before the election that this was going on--that the hostages would not be released and weapons sales would be restored to Iran, either directly or through the Israelis.” In Sept. Playboy, Arafat refers to spokesman Bassann Abu Shair. He says that in 1980 PLO was contacted by a senior Reaganite wanting delay of hostage release. Possibly George Bush, alleged to have met Iranians late Oct80. His campaign diary shows no pub appearances Oct 21-7.


To permit abortion in cases of rape or incest, said Rep Henry Hyde, “is to kill a baby because his father committed a crime.”

In Long Island, Shoreham nuke plant is allowed to create emergency plans, despite noncooperation of state & local govs

Quayle, chosen because of his knowledge of military affairs: “Why wouldn’t an enhanced deterrent, a more stable peace, a better prospect to denying the ones who enter conflict in the first place to have a reduction of offensive systems and an introduction to defensive capability. I believe that is the route this country will eventually go.”


A top Bush adviser, Frederic Malek, resigned. Under Nixon, he drew up a hit list of a “Jewish cabal” in Labor Dept for Nixon, and has admitted this


Wm Sessions (FBI) finally said the investigation of opponents of Cent. Am. policy was wrong. Or at least the nation-wide version.

The Office of Gov Ethics say Meese used his position to benefit Wallach & showed no concern to honor his agreement over mgmt of his personal finances (re telephone stock).

Brezezinski joined Bush people because Dukakis’ views “closer to Jesse Jackson and Jane Fonda.”

Bush: “I am not a card-carrying member of the ACLU. I am for the people.”


House defeats waiting per for gun purchase

US to raise refugee quota, esp VN. Up to 53,000 Asians in yr after Oct. 1 (from 35,000 this yr) inc 25,000 from VN. INS just opened a Moscow branch, allowing dir flights, bypassing Rome & Vienna [and, dare one ask, Romania?] [No, because exist visas for Soviet Jews are to Israel]. Total refugees 94,000, up to 24,500 from E Eur, Russia. From Af, down to 2,000 from 3,000

RR did not ban use in fed research on fetal tissue

Wm Sessions disciplined 6 for the CISPES investigation of 1983-5. Said shouldn’t have based on informer who used a sources articles by Roberto d’Aubuisson and may have passed FBI info to the Salvadoran Nat Guard. The investigation spread to 9 other groups, 169 indivs

At DePauw, Quayle failed his comp test in his field (rare in itself) & got rare 2nd chance. Also failed to take a required pol theory course.

Bush said of Deukmejian, “He will go down in my book as THE great governor of the state of CA.”

For some reason, Turkey claiming that Iraq not using chemical weapons, opposed UN investigation. Other Arab countries also complaining.


Iraq defense minister said Iraq reserved right to use chemical weapons

Quayle said the Holocaust was an obscene episode in our history. Then excused himself by saying he didn’t live in this century.

Gorbachev offered to give us base in VN for US doing same in Philippines. US says this is unreasonable.


Quayle claiming his academic record unimportant because FDR failed bar. Wrong again, schmucko.

Another military coup in Haiti

And one in Burma


New commander-in-chief in Haiti is old Jean-Claude Paul. Head of state is Cmdr Prosper Avril

Pravda says Trotsky “not the enemy of the revolution and socialism” but Stalin’s enemy.

July 20 FBI arrested 1 Arab-American & 7 resident aliens (6 Libyan, 1 Moroccan), the NYT says for “pro-Libyan actions.” Press claims 2 plotted to kill Ollie North (not charged). Detained w/out bond. In fact, charges related to ban on commerce w/Libya (from 1986). Use of funds to bring US journalist, teachers & clergy to Libya to see effects of bombing; provide transport for non-Libyans demonstrating against US raid. They paid travel expenses for US activists attending conf, bought t-shirts w/pictures of Qaddafi’s baby daughter.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned use of RICO racketeering act against pornography. Nov87 fed jury VA subjected Dennis & Barbara Pryba to its forfeiture provisions for selling 6 obscene magazines, 4 videos. Marshalls padlocked their 3 bookstores, 8 videotape clubs. Value of business forfeited: $1m, value of obscene material: $105. All stuff in stores, 5 vehicles, warehouse, bank accounts taken, all before sentencing, where $275,000 +300 hrs community service between them. Judge a RR appointee. Says RICO legitimate & “It is specifically designed to chill or deter prosecuted, unprotected speech.”
-RICO use mentioned by Meese Commission
-Bill intro this yr by Strom Thurmond penalize one who “knowingly utters any obscene language or distributes any obscene matter” by cable or subscription tv. Forfeiture of prop inc seizure of cable system, station or satellite.
-The Prybas’ mostly rented non-erotic tapes. The pt is: all material was taken. Booksellers stock thousands of books, can’t read them all. This doesn’t just deter, but silence speech


Shultz says status of Israeli Occupied Territory cannot be determined by unilateral acts, inc Palestinians dec of ind

Burma’s coup is pro-gov., propping up the 26-yr military rule. Have been firing on demonstrators again.

Gorbachev offered to place Krasnoyarsk under internat control, for use in space exploration. US said no.

Bush: “I stand for anti-bigotry, anti-Semitism, anti-racism.”

LA police chief Daryl Gates said Dukakis should burn his ACLU card. “You can’t be strong on law and order and be a member of the ACLU.”

Israel launches a spy satellite.


No employer has ever been sent to jail for violating Occupation Safety & Health Act. Courts have been preventing states prosecuting under it.

Carter says he respects the flag but would refuse to recite pledge if ordered to do so by gov.

Safire points out there are 2,500 Soviets in Cam Ranh Bay & 17,000 US in Subic Bay.

Gen. Avril of Haiti was Duvalier’s closest financial confidant, managed his accounts. There were demos when he joined Namphy junta 1986. Pol. stance unknown. Though Mar86 said Haiti would have to wait “plenty of time” before free elections.

Polish Cabinet & PM resign over bad handling of the economy

Swedish elections: Green entered Parl for 1st time. Conservs all lost votes. SodDems will cont. w/CP

Bush claims Duke using a “divide and conquer” strategy. Meaning class appeal, by god. Could have fooled me. Not that Bush’s “don’t let them take it away” isn’t.


Duke supported nat prenatal care. Also supports Waxman’s plan to require employers to provide health insurance.

In Estonia, there is an alternate pol group called People’s Front of Estonia. CP & non-party

NYT suggests Polish resignations a move to shield party leadership.

Jim Wright says CIA provoked opposition activities in Nicaragua hoping gov would overreact. Said it had been reported to Congress. Today, RR criticized hm, but w/out denying it.

Sen. R’s, led by Alan Simpson, threaten to block min wage rise if judicial nominees not confirmed


Goldwater to Quayle publicly: “I want you to go back and tell George Bush to start talking about the issues.”


SA arresting members of COSATU, UDF

Lebanon failed to get new cabinet on the usual basis so have military gov.

Michael Deaver sentenced 3 yrs suspended sentence, $100,000 & 1,500 hrs community service. Claims alcohol did it all.

Canada to pay $17,325 to each of 12,000 Japanese-Canadians interned WW2.


The min wage increase is being filibustered. Hatch wants amend for 90-day submin. wage of 80% for newly hired unskilled. Claims it is a youth training wage, but there is no training or age limit mentioned. Kennedy’s counterproposal is to expand an 85% submin to full-time students working less than 20 hrs a week.

RR on Deaver’s sentence: “I have always believed, and I still believe, that he didn’t do anything wrong.”


The Night of the Living Robots--more on debates later.

When asked what weapon systems he would cancel, Bush named 3 which have been cancelled--one in 1985.

Billy Carter d. today. End of an era.

Turkish gov lost an election, w/⅓ of votes. Ozal does not intend to resign, as he had originally said. The referendum was on bringing up local elections.

Israel’s little venture into satellites. Doesn’t that indicate what Sputknik did about capabilities?

CA law makes it illegal to participate in a street gang. How is this defined?


Demos stop trying to raise min wage

1/5 in Af., says World Bank, can’t get enough food for active working life.

Ger is largest exporter to India.

Bush in debate was iffy on whether women should be subjected to criminal sanctions for abortion. Today his people said no, but should receive counseling. Evidently they’re mentally ill or something.
-On Noriega, Bush claims 7 admins dealt with him. Huh? And the RR-Bush admin brought him to justice. Says there was no evidence on drugs.
-Bush on ACLU: doesn’t agree on movie ratings, shouldn’t remove Cath tax exemption, liked God on the currency.
-On pledge, Dukakis says of course Bush is questioning his patriotism & he resents it.
-Bush still says homelessness because of letting mentally ill on the street. Also talks about interest rates.
-On Marcos, says that in WW2 Marcos was fighting imperialism (unproven) & had called for new elections when Bush toasted him.
-Bush got Dukakis on SDI, which is easy since Duke says it’s ridiculous & wants to research it at $1b/yr
-Bush: “How do you deter nuclear attack without modernizing our nuclear forces when the Soviets are modernizing?” Easy.
-Peter Jennings comments that Carter allowed Mondale to defend his advice to Carter & can’t Bush do so and how do we judge. Bush says he wants the credit for the RR admin.
-Bush says Duke should stop ridiculing Quayle’s name, which Bush of course did to Pierre du Pont.

A Duke person comments that ACLU opposes him on road blocks for drunk drivers, foster care discriminating against homosexuals, presumptive sentencing.

Duke on abortion: “I don’t think it’s a good thing.”

9 R. Senators assembled 70 PAC officials to complain about not enough $. Inc Robert Dole, who has gotten $4.1m all told, a record.

Bush said Dukakis wanted to let the UN into the Persian Gulf.


Italy just finished investigation of kidnapping Sep86 in Rome of Israeli nuke technician Vanunu. Says it wasn’t one. Thinks V. didn’t know enough English to write “I, Vanunu, kidnapped on Rome, Italy. I got into Rome on..BA flight 504.” And says the photos he gave Sunday Times too good, didn’t show people that should have been there. Meaning whole thing is Israeli disinformation. And is Vanunu not in jail?

USSR suggests internat space organiz (based on Krasnoyarsk).

Jim Baker on Bush on abortion: a woman in abortion should be “more properly considered an additional victim...she would need help and love and not punishment.”

Bush said he wanted to banish chemical weapons but he cast the tiebreaker in Sen. for them.

New workfare bill will garnish wages of absentee fathers; require parents under 25 to complete high school ed. in lieu of work requirement

The Genocide Treaty passed by House in Apr., stalled since in Senate, blocked by Strom Thurmond who claims he is just trying to add capital punishment! 14 of the 97 ratifiers have this, inc Israel

ACLU membership rising, thanks to Bush


Finally, an article confirming what I suspected about Japan’s economy. Nation 10/3/88 by Doug Henwood. The core w/lifetime employment is shrining & they are forced into early retirement.
-Women paid 53% men. 1985 survey of bigger firms showed 80% not planning to interview ♀ university grads
-All in core forced to retire from it at 55 to take lower-paying contingent jobs. Little income security.
-Spends little on soc welfare, no AFDC
Unions organized by firm
-36% houses in cities, 46% Japan lack indoor flush toilets

Nobel Peace Prize to UN Peacekeeping Force. Poor Ronny and Nancy!

The shuttle Discovery successfully launched.

Nicaragua extends unilateral truce again, for 1 mo, 5th since March. There have been no talks since June.

Noriega really has been dealing w/US since Ike. In 1950s he offered to inform on leftist students. As head of CIA, Bush declined to prosecute as NSA urged when Noriega paid US soldiers for info, which compromised NSA listening post. Gave him list of communications links intercepted by NSA. It was believed Noriega shared info w/Cuba.

Israelis now using plastic bullets in latest escalation.


FBI ruled guilty of discrimination against its Hispanic employees.

Soviet Politburo shakeup. Prez Gromyko is out. Ligachev demoted from ideology to agriculture. KGB chief also demoted, to pol liberalization. Dobrynin also out. Will Ligache screw up decollectivization of agric?

Quayle also pressuring Dukakis to quit ACLU

Phyllis Oakley (State): “The [Israeli] policy of using plastic bullets has admittedly been designed to cause an increase in casualties.” Defense Min Rabin said aim is to hit but not kill. Will have to “learn that more violence will bring more suffering to them.” Shultz didn’t see fit to bring it up when meeting Peres. Peres said he doesn’t believe PLO moving to accept Israeli statehood.

Not only did FDR pass his bars on 1st try, he did it in 2nd yr at Columbia Law & never finished degree.

USSR proposing to eliminate emigration need for close family invitation, cut-off date for denials based on access to classified info.

Zaire’s Mobutu claims have only $50m in Eur bank accounts. Is that so much, he asks? Zaire’s per cap income = $180.

51 Senators inc Quayle & Bentsen urge RR deny visa for Arafat, addressing UN Gen Ass.

Bush asks will ACLU inf choice of Justices. Says neither would he allow gays to adopt.

Bush said he will go to shuttle landing, but won’t invite Duke, as that would politicize it.

For 1st time, Br gov censored a US magazine, the literary Granta, which has a US edition. It had excerpt from ex-MI6 agent Anthony Cavendish’s autobio Inside Intelligence, parts of which were censored as a book, now also in Granta. Were on UK failures, that ½ MI6 gay and a comparison of superiority of MI6 to MI5. Allowed is ode to Maurice Oldfield, cut are those to Philby, Hollis, Blunt, Burgess & McLean. Publisher, Cassells, dropped it when treasury solicitor ruled it would have to be censored. Cavendish privately printed 500 copies for friends.

Bush friend Robt Mosbacher, now nat finance chairman of his campaign, 1973 was part of oil drilling scheme in Philippines from which Marcos made millions, took bribes from Marcos. Testimony by former Marcos person before House Foreign Affairs 1975 said Marcos personally involved in oil, so Mosbacher knew of Marcos’ involvement by then. When he was bought out 1977 (note change in US admin), $ came from Marcos’ personal account. Voice says $ was to keep quiet. Made at least 150%.

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